For several decades, minors from the German capital city Berlin were given to pedophile foster fathers. The municipal authorities knew about it. However, there was never a criminal prosecution. Now the scandal is exposed bit by bit.
It is one of the biggest pedosexual scandals in recent German history. In the late 1960s, the psychologist, sexologist and pedophilia activist Helmut Kentler (1928–2008) initiated a pilot project for public child and youth welfare in Berlin. He placed children and adolescents from difficult social backgrounds in the care of partly convicted pederasts. The Senate of Berlin supported this project financially. This “experiment”, as Kentler has called it, existed at least until 2003.
If teenagers, who are be homeless or at least spend a lot of time on the streets, grew up among pedophilia, they would be easier to integrate socially, Kentler claimed. He said that only pedophilic “foster fathers” were able to endure and love the “weak-minded” children and adolescents.
Two victims speak up
Studies and articles in the recent years brought the magnitude of the criminal “experiment” to light. The media attention grew when, in the beginning of 2020, two of the victims, “Marco” and “Sven”, sued the Senate of Berlin. Both were placed with the now deceased “foster father” Fritz H. in 1989 and 1990. They were sexually abused and raped several times by him.
According to criminal law, the crimes have already become statute-barred. The last preliminary proceedings on the “Kentler Experiment” were discontinued in September 2019.
A recent study of the University of Hildesheim states that at least in the case of Fritz H. the youth welfare offices of Berlin would have had enough indications to close the foster place. He was supposedly under investigation for sexual abuse before. But although more than 50 specialists had dealt with Fritz H., nothing ever happened. Kentler eliminated any concerns with his own “expert opinions”.
A powerful network
The authors of the Hildesheim study found out that the inactivity of the Berlin authorities is primarily due to powerful interests. They reveal “that there was a network right across the scientific educational institutions, especially in the 1960s and 1970s (Pedagogical Center Berlin, Max Planck Institute, Free University of Berlin, Pedagogical Seminar Göttingen) and the Senate Administration (the State Youth Welfare Office) up to individual Berlin district youth welfare offices, in which pedophilic positions were accepted, supported and defended.”
In addition, the study states that these pedosexual foster homes, which were financed and answered for by the Senate of Berlin, “were single, sometimes powerful men from science, research institutions and other educational contexts.“
But the research is not over yet: “In the basement of the education administration there are still about 1,000 files that have not yet been processed”, the authors claim. Many responsible persons in politics and administration are still undiscovered. As well as members of the pedophile network and other perpetrators and victims of the “Kentler experiment”.
Kentler’s influence on the sex education
But exposing the network behind Kentler is just one of the tasks to be done: Kentler’s influence goes far beyond his crimes during the “experiment”. For decades he was considered a star of sex education and the “chief evaluator of the nation in matters of sex education” (ZEIT). He saw himself as a liberator of “sexual energy of life” in the tradition of Freudo-Marxism, Wilhelm Reich and Alfred Charles Kinsey.
Kentler claimed that even a small child would need stimulation and sexual satisfaction in order to grow into a healthy personality. Based on these assumptions, he developed the “emancipatory sexual education”, which was very well received during the sexual revolution between the 1960s and 1980s.
Kentler’s “emancipatory sex education” formed the basis for the “sex education of diversity”. This was introduced into many important programs for sex education and abuse prevention in German schools and day care institutions for children. The result is a large number of highly controversial teaching content and methods, which are criticized as “abusive“ and “shameful“.
Kentler’s pedosexual “experiment” and sex education research have meanwhile been scientifically processed at the Universities of Göttingen, Hanover and Hildesheim. But his legacy in the form of “sex education of diversity” has not yet been subject to any revision by politics, the media or research.