New Jersey may be on the verge of joining New York, Illinois, Virginia, and other states that have been passing legislations in recent months expanding abortion, even to the point of legalizing infanticide. This surge in pro-abortion laws follows the passage of strong, pro-life laws in states such as Alabama, Missouri, and others, as well as moves by the Trump administration to clamp down on the abortion industry.
Two months ago, when President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the seat of pro-abortion Justice Ginsburg after her death, New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy wasted no time to push and introduce legislation to expand the killing of the preborn in the state, without exceptions, undoubtedly as an overshadowing of the Barrett nomination. Murphy’s rationale for pushing the so-called Reproductive Freedom Act is that “access to health care and the right to choose are under attack at the federal level.” The greatest fear of the radical Democrats from the night of Ginsburg’s death, was that a Trump justice and specifically the openly pro-life, mother of seven, and now 103rd associate justice of the Supreme Court, will join in the possible overturning of the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
That is why, many pro-abortion politicians have either called for, or, as in the case of New Jersey, are moving towards “codifying Roe” into state law. In fact, one of the policy positions which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ran on during the election was to push for a federal law which would essentially ensure the continuation of the murder of innocent children in the womb, even after Roe may be wiped from existence by the Supreme Court.
Regardless, on October 2, Governor Murphy introduced the Reproductive Freedom Act, which would further radicalize and deregulate the state’s laws on abortion. According to New Jersey Right to Life, this aggressive law will “allow abortions to be performed by non-physicians and permit abortions beyond 14 weeks gestation to be performed in an office setting.” Moreover, this radical bill’s language will allow for a “woman who gives birth and leaves a newborn to die or engages in a deliberate act…will not be prosecuted and no autopsy or legal investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of death.”
Another aspect of the legislation is the removal of a statute called the New Jersey Safe Haven Infant Protection Act. This common sense policy “allows an individual to give up an unwanted infant safely, legally and anonymously…at any hospital emergency room, police station, fire station, ambulance, first aid or rescue squad.” Murphy’s abortion law will remove this.
This highlights how Murphy, and the abortion lobby which backs him and his money pocket, are pushing for the government to create an environment which does not regard the equal rights of the human person, be it born or unborn, as long as the mother or even the state decide that that person is expendable. These actions deny the intrinsic value, dignity, and equality of human life, guaranteed not only by the Constitution of the United States, but also through natural law.
New Jersey Right to Life also notes that “although the proposed legislation is sure to appease…a small minority of Governor Murphy’s pro-abortion supporters,” a majority of New Jerseyans do not agree with it. Moreover, Murphy may be taking these actions only to “shore up his [pro-abortion] base for his re-election” next year. Already, Planned Parenthood has exalted the governor and is behind the push as seen in a whole page on their website dedicated New Jersey’s RFA.
Americans United for Life compiles, every year, a report on the progress of pro-life legislation in each state in the US. The organization also numerically ranks states by how much they legally support the sanctity of human life. In the latest 2020 edition of this manual, called “Defending Life: America’s Pro-Life Playbook,” the state of New Jersey is ranked number 49, right behind Vermont, as the most anti-life state in the entire country. If allowed to pass, the latest legislation will no doubt further radicalize the already radical state as it pertains to abortion and infanticide.
For residents in New Jersey, contact your state legislator and tell them to oppose and refuse this bill immediately as it is currently being debated in committee. To find your legislator and for more action items click this link.
More analysis on the Reproductive Freedom Act can be found through these sites: