In the wave of camouflaged inhumanity and pragmatism, countries that rule the world such as the United States and many European countries, are trying to enlarge the ambit of fundamental human rights of the human person by including the right to abortion. The rationale behind this decision, although destitute of logic, is they believe women need to be liberated from the shackles of motherhood. They believe motherhood is burdensome and restricts freedom.
On the contrary, the challenge of motherhood when faced squarely with goodwill, aides in an opportunity for parents to know what love and service truly entails in its entirety. There is no doubt that motherhood is a big responsibility and I thank mothers for facing up to this challenge, for not only carrying us for nine months, with the pains and discomfort, but also for “restricting” their freedom for our sake and lastly for respecting our human dignity from the moment of conception.
The time has come in which we need to realize and appreciate the fact that mothers have been called specifically and specially to partake in creation, and this gift is only distinct to their nature. Lucky for them!
Many women are running away from child bearing; some never want to give birth, some would only adopt because they do not want “weird things” to happen to their body due to the pregnancy. Others want to finish second degrees and establish themselves in a career before a baby even becomes a thought. This shows a crisis of values which creates a paradoxical situation. Women by nature have an immense innate capacity of loving and giving to the point of heroic sacrifice, for sacrifice is an integral part of a woman’s existence. If this capacity is not utilized rightly and fully the woman becomes a living corpse.
In order not to have a child, many have resorted to having an abortion. In order to justify their immorality, they claim that the awful crime is to bring an unwanted child into the world. It is not in dispute that a woman has the right over her own body, but medically and logically speaking the unborn child is in no real way a part of her body. The child has a unique set of organs, a circulating system, tissue different from the mother’s in every cell, and the blood may be incompatible . Most of all if the child is male, how can male sex organs be part of a woman’s body? The truth is that the foetus is someone else’s body and that child has a right to life.
This circumvented and putrid way of thinking has resulted in many misinterpretations of what freedom is, of what love is, and the list continues.
In the words of Justice Oputa “People should always go back to history because it gives a perspective to the problems of the present and drives home the point that there is really very little new under the sun. History indeed repeats itself because man refuses to learn from history. But those who ignore the lessons of history are destined to relive its horrors.”
Indeed we can learn that a nation that ravels the road of legal abortion will soon lose its sense of morality and will find itself condoning unspeakable crimes.
From history we have learnt that abortion, rather than liberate women, harms them physically, psychologically, rationally, culturally and spiritually, and exposes them to exploitation of all kinds. There is a strong link between abortions and increased rates of psychological illnesses like anxiety disorders, depression and even suicide. There is also a link between abortion and increased risk of cancer.
Funny enough, shouldn’t world leaders be concerned about the aging population? Abortion; killing future generations, provides for no tomorrow and no future for the state. It causes problems filling employment needs, any many countries are now opening their doors to immigrants to come in order to give life to their countries and the work force. Why not learn from the pages of history and fight against abortion.
Children are a blessing in many ways. They ensure we help resolve the issue of an aging population and they also supply our economy with the dynamic and youthful workforce needed for its success and development.
Since we are in the era of right building, children have a right to be born and live, it is their birth right. It is our clear-cut duty to witness to the truth that all human life is sacred and untouchable.
Our mothers have to be praised and respected, for rather than selfishly thinking about themselves by simply aborting us, they rejected the feminist theory and decided to face up to, and embrace the treasure known as motherhood. Thank you mothers!