On June 5th, 2014, the province in Quebec passed bill 52 which authorizes medical professionals to be able to administer end of life procedures. This was seen as a huge success by many people. They call it “dying with dignity” and are careful to try and differentiate it from euthanasia. Terminally ill patients can now request medical assistance in ending their own life if they so choose.

I think we have lost sight of suffering and its true meaning; yes, we should try and alleviate suffering but we do not need to go to the extreme, it can still help us to redeem our souls. From personal experience, there are many factors involved in this process, mainly, family members who are tired of taking care of the sick person, or the sick person feeling as if they are a burden on others.

And where will it go from here? Today, it’s terminally ill adults, what will be next? I do not believe that this ends here; whenever one law gets approved, there is always someone else pushing for the next thing.

Let us take back our humanity and compassion and follow God’s plan instead of our own. Why should a doctor be responsible in taking someone’s life and go through that kind of experience? It appears to me that human life is being reduced to a disposable commodity and its sacredness is lost.