From the mind of a girl who is trying to find herself in life…..

I am at a crossroads,

This should be easy,

I should have figured this out by now.


I knew from the start that I’d go west,

But east is so comfortable,

Besides, I have everything I need to thrive if I go east.


North. Oh, how I will regret it if I don’t try you out.

I would have a real purpose if I went north.

And south, my friends say you are good for me,

That there is no other way for me.


I pray.

I pray.

I pray.



God is that you?

No. It’s just my mind.


A year is gone

Second year flies by.


What do you do when you can’t make a choice that should define your life,

How do you tell society that you can’t make a choice,

No, how do you tell your parents,

Your friends.

How do you look at yourself everyday knowing you can’t make a choice,

You waste away trying to figure out:

What was I CREATED to do?

Instead of what CAN I do?


What you can do, should lead you to what you are created to do.

Cut yourself some slack, take it easy on yourself.

Live in the moment maybe a cliché saying but in this case,

Do just that, breathe and do what you can do.