“As much as some of our witnesses today would like to pretend otherwise, abortion is legal” is a futile attempt that congressman Ted Deutch of Florida made in an effort to justify abortion at the September 9th Planned Parenthood Exposed Judiciary Hearing. This hearing, which was held in light of the gruesome and revealing videos released by the Center for Medical Progress over the past month, has the capacity to impact the defunding of Planned Parenthood.


In response to Mr. Deutch’s statement, there are two points that need to be made. The first is that pro-lifers are well aware that abortion is legal! That is, in fact, why I am listening to this hearing, Mr. Deutch. The question is not of the legality of abortion, but its morality. We are passionate about the pro-life movement because we are well aware of the fabricated constitutional “Right to Privacy” that validated the passing of Roe v. Wade over 40 years ago. The truth is that unborn children have no legal protection. In the US, we value historic landmarks, national parks, and endangered wildlife, but we do not grant those of our very own species the same regard.


The second point of  Mr. Deutsch’ statement that begs pointing out is the fact that it was made in response to 2 abortion survivors, including Ms. Gianna Jessen and Melissa Ohden. Mr. Deutch, how can you knowingly tell a woman who has survived her mother’s and her doctor’s attempt to kill her that the procedure was perfectly legal? As Mrs. Gianna Jessen said herself, “If abortion is about a woman’s rights, then what were mine?” If congressman Deutch can tell me what makes the 7.5 month old Gianna Jessen different from the young woman that she is today besides time, then I might consider the validity of his argument.
Mr. Deutch, I’m afraid that it does not take a seasoned politician, scientist, or philosopher to judge morality. Reason and science tell me that there is no relevant difference between the unborn child Ms. Gianna Jessen, myself, or even you once were and the adults we all are today that would remove us from our right to life.