Many pro-life activists are happy with the recent statement from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) that proves that a baby’s first heartbeat begins as early as 16 days after conception. The excitement of the pro- life group is based on the fact that, we now have more proof to assert that a baby in the womb is a human being with inalienable rights.
While this is highly commendable, I doubt if it will convince people like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Tim Kaine and a host of abortion advocates around the world.
We heard with shock, Hillary Clinton at the last Presidential debate, defending late-term abortion.
The abortion subject has never been purely about science neither did its proponents care about science. When Roe v. Wade was decided, the scientific knowledge of the state of an unborn child available now, was not available then. Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson, an obstetrician who oversaw the performance of about 75,000 often admitted that he and other abortion advocates in the 1960s lied about the number of women who died from illegal abortions at that time, inflating the figure from a few hundred to 10,000 to gain sympathy for their cause.
As such the pro-life activists resorted more to religious and social reasons, the pro-choice group discountenanced the religious and social reasons not because they were illogical or false but solely because they weren’t scientific and they clamoured for scientific reasons. Luckily, over the years science has developed and has not only proved that the child in the womb is a human being, it has gradually exposed the inhumanness of abortion, many ex-abortionist have openly condemned abortion, yet these same abortion advocates haven’t yet changed their stance . The reason for their support has left the realm of science, now they are using phrases like “women choice” “women right” “women health”.
All this is clear when one can imagine that President Obama and the Senate blocked a law that would have prevented the abortion of baby after 20 weeks despite medical research and science which proved that they feel pain during the procedure.
Or why people didn’t react when the activities of Planned Parenthood was exposed by David Daleiden, rather Daleiden was prosecuted.
The solution would not to lose hope; rather we have to continue convincing many with more and more scientific answers coupled with the need to pray fervently.
At the end we hope to create a culture of life.