Overall, my experience attending the Commission on the Status of Women 61 was a positive one, despite the UN’s liberal agenda. If not for C-Fam, the issue of life would not be represented at all. I noticed that for any of the sections whenever the issue of life was brought up by question askers, the panelists completely ignored the questions or comments. If the UN was truly interested in gender equality they would be interested in empowering all women even those unborn. Yet, so many times abortion is labeled as women’s reproductive health and the rights of the unborn child are completely ignored. It is important to attend these events and to be aware of the latest issues that the UN is promoting. I learned so much and got to hear and see some amazing panelists.

My favorite panel was the one hosted by C-Fam titled Root Causes of Trafficking in Persons: Key Role of the Family for Protection and Prevention. This panel was both informative and emotional. The speakers were a collection of women and men dedicated to help stop child trafficking. The event also screened a preview of a film documentary called I AM JANE DOE. This documentary is based on true events and lives of those who have suffered from sex trafficking. It covers both the victims and their families. The review was powerful and emotional and I hope to be able to watch the film soon.

Overall, I am truly grateful to C-Fam for giving me this incredible opportunity and allowing me to attend the UN. This has been a great experience and I hope to be able to return to the UN for a future conference and to continue to defend life.