Facing the covid19 pandemic, almost everyone is worrying about their current and future lives. And this is very understandable. Administrative workers, entrepreneurs, employers, freelancers and students are all struggling with finances, materials and other daily resources. Lockdown have become the new normal routine with manyrestrictions. Many young people, who are mostly students, are worrying about their future as well. The death of parents, interruptions to their studies,  and uncertain jobs are the three points that are tormentingmany under the age of 24 at the moment.

Death has always been a fear for many. The rates of coronavirus deaths are almost the same in every country in the world in terms of group age. If the first case of the coronavirus appeared in China was in November last year, Sweden knew its first case in the beginning of February. At the end of July, over 5.7 thousand individuals in Sweden had suffered deaths related to the coronavirus in which 95% are above 40 years old. It makes us sad to listen to the news and hear another daily amount of people dying of coronavirus. Being informed of the death of a family member, a close friend or a just someone you have only met once hurts and increases fears. Young people fear losing one or both of his parents classified as vulnerable people to the relentless coronavirus.

The education sector has also met new challenges in this time. More than 100 countries implemented national school closuresin March. For developed countries in urban areas, they tended to resolve the gathering ban point by fostering online education. Despitesome limitations such as an additional internet cost, less and non-effective interactions between the facilitator and the students, some schools and universities keep pursuing their annual programs in these conditions. Governments are also trying to find solutions in terms of national programs of education. But for the students which are the main targets of the sector, anxiety and doubt with studies are omnipresent, especially those who do not have access to the internet or the resources in developed countries.

What if 2020 would become a white year? What about the official exams and the reviews? These are some types of questions that go into students ‘minds every day.

The pandemic has also targeted jobs, creating great uncertainty and exacerbating financial difficulties. According to Forbes magazine, the US unemployment rate dropped to 11.1 percent in June 2020, improving from an all-time high of 14.7 percent in April, as many people returned to the labor market following weeks of coronavirus-induced restrictions. Yet, even the situation in the US remains uncertain as cases continue to rise in many states.For most countries in the world, unemployment rate became very high because manytemporary  closures. It will take a verylong time to regain the former professional life in businesses. In addition to that, even those who have the privilege to work during this time face difficulties. For example,many of them must now walk to work because of bans on public transportation.That’s why young people fears about losing or finding a job.

People often say that this current pandemic is just momentary, and it will end soon. Yes, this is true. Yet, while we are facing the same disaster, the same flood, but we are not in the same boat. Some people shelter in yachts while some are surfing in pieces of combined wood. Many people worry including youngsters. We just have to always stay positive, try to look for new opportunities behind problems and be kind to each of us.