This past Sunday, December 27th, was the feast day of the Holy Family, celebrating the cornerstone of our society as well as one of the key focuses of C-FAM, “to defend life and family at international institutions…”
We can look at the family as serving two important functions in our society: one is at the economic level (see post by Kaitlin Fellrath, Family, Become What You Are…) while the other is at the interpersonal and/or spiritual level of an individual in a society.
On the inter-personal level of human development, the family is the most important community that we will ever be a part of. As Pope Francis says the family can serve as “the foundation of coexistence and a remedy against social fragmentation”. In other words, the family is the glue of our society. Pope Francis also speaks of the importance of the family for, “…passing on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for each and every society!”. The family is our anchor; it is here that we learn of our cultural heritage and ancestry. Further, the family is the first place that we learn how to interact with others. It is here that we learn patience, forgiveness, self-discipline, how to accept authority, and ultimately where we gain the foundation of our belief system and moral direction. Most importantly, the family is where we learn to be loved.
During this Christmas season when we celebrate Christ’ love through the Holy Family, let us look to their model of perfect love and faithfulness in striving to uphold these values in our own lives.
The change in our culture starts with us today. It starts in our families. It starts with our marriages. It starts with fathers and mothers teaching their children what real love looks like. Leading by example in the self-gift and sacrifice required of true, Christ-like love. The movement in our culture starts with us, today, if we are only so bold as to answer the call. As Pope Francis says:
Some are called to holiness through family life in the sacrament of Marriage. Today, there are those who say that marriage is out of fashion. Is it out of fashion? In a culture of relativism and the ephemeral, many preach the importance of ‘enjoying’ the moment. They say that it is not worth making a life-long commitment, making a definitive decision, ‘for ever’, because we do not know what tomorrow will bring. I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility, that believes you are incapable of true love. I have confidence in you and I pray for you. Have the courage ‘to swim against the tide’. And also have the courage to be happy.” -Pope Francis, Address to the World You Day Volunteers 2013
As we head into the New Year and we make our resolutions, let us prayerfully consider Pope France’s call to swim against the tide in our culture and strive to better appreciate the family in our own lives. Let us strive to prioritize our relationship with our parents, siblings, spouses and children. Let us prioritize our growth in understanding the importance of fighting for marriage and not giving up on our family, no matter how difficult the cost. And let us grow in love and serve those closest to our hearts in 2015.