Schools and family freedom
¿Have you ever heard the new battle is against family? Even though it suppose each family has the opportunity to educate their children as they consider it’s better for them.Continue Reading
Dina Fernandez is a young professional from Ecuador. She graduated with a bachelor of journalism as a valedictorian student. Furthermore, she has experience in digital marketing and public relations. Dina has learned the importance of defending human dignity, family, and freedom in the public square. That's the reason why she has participated in leadership programs like The Academy by The Heritage Foundation, World Youth Alliance Certified Training Program and In Altum Program. Nowadays, Dina is a volunteer from a think tank called Conciudadanos.
¿Have you ever heard the new battle is against family? Even though it suppose each family has the opportunity to educate their children as they consider it’s better for them.Continue Reading
There are many concepts around human flourishing. Most people associate it with a momentary state that covers family, work, education, and religious community. But, what do the experts have toContinue Reading