Recently, when listening to Fun.’s catchy and vibrant song “Some Nights” from their 2012 album, I became curious about the meaning of the lyrics. Even though I’ve sung along to this song countless times, for the first time one of the lines stood out to me.

“My heart is breaking for my sister and the con that she called “love”

When I look into my nephew’s eyes…

Man, you wouldn’t believe the most amazing things that can come from…

Some terrible nights… ah…”

              A close examination of the lyrics actually reveals an interesting story. The narrator is referring to his sister who has suffered the terrible tragedy of rape. While the speaker is heartbroken for the violence his sister has suffered, he also marvels at her son, the child conceived in rape.

              The song becomes incredibly joyful when he sings about the beauty and light in his nephew’s eyes.  The writer of this song is a witnesses to the gift of joy that children conceived in rape are to their families and the world.