The Radiance Foundation’s Ryan Bomberger is the exact breath of fresh air that the pro-life movement needs. Last week, when he spoke at the Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C., he gave a creative and energetic reminder of the value of all human life. Wearing her signature “Bro-Life” shirt, Ryan passionately and charismatically made a unique and compelling case for the protection of the most vulnerable human beings, the unborn.     


While Ryan Bomberger’s talk was informative, it was nothing but pedantic or boring. Using crisp and innovative videos that dispel abortion myths, Ryan exposes the deception and lies promoted by the abortion industry. Using #Factivism instead of #Activism, Ryan shares real statistics like the fact that for every 1000 babies born in New York, 1,100 are killed by abortion. Ryan is fearless and bold when proclaiming truth. In doing so, he teaches the pro-life movement that  it’s possible to be both honest as well as charming and winsome when illuminating the world with truth.