A tragic family destiny
In the northern region of Madagascar, the practice of witchcraft has been deeply entrenched in the culture and traditions for generations. Regrettably, it has been associated with numerous family disputesContinue Reading
In the northern region of Madagascar, the practice of witchcraft has been deeply entrenched in the culture and traditions for generations. Regrettably, it has been associated with numerous family disputesContinue Reading
Riches en culture et diversité ethnique, les Malagasy demeurent profondément attachés à leurs coutumes et traditions. Pour eux, le mariage constitue une étape essentielle dans la vie individuelle ainsi queContinue Reading
The 2023 Women Delivery Conference is here. Every three years, multiple organizations from all over the world, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationContinue Reading
De nos jours, les efforts de sensibilisation des pères à s’impliquer beaucoup plus dans la vie quotidienne des enfants sont constatés. Nul ne peut nier que la présence physique duContinue Reading
A growing number of adults have come to the conclusion that they are not interested in having kids, citing environmental concerns as a driving factor for their decision. Various research,Continue Reading
El pasado 12 de enero del presente año el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social emitió una resolución con nuevos lineamientos para abortar en Colombia, entre los cuales se presentaContinue Reading
On December 6th, 2022, Indonesia passed sex laws banning sex outside marriage and cohabitation. What makes this a paradox is the controversies surrounding these laws. To a large extent, thisContinue Reading
In each region of the big island, we can see a contrast between the culture of the Malagasy population, but there exist identical ways of doing things, due to theirContinue Reading
En anteriores artículos he mencionado la “cultura del ahora” como un problema para la sociedad, sin apuntar más detalles sobre el término. Es un tema lo suficientemente complejo como paraContinue Reading
Major challenges families face today are broadly divided into two categories: external and internal. External problems are those coming from outside the family and affect all members of the familyContinue Reading