El último aDios, 2022
El día 31 de diciembre, el catolicismo dio el adiós a una de las figuras más importantes de su historia contemporánea. Benedicto XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, falleció la mañana del últimoContinue Reading
El día 31 de diciembre, el catolicismo dio el adiós a una de las figuras más importantes de su historia contemporánea. Benedicto XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, falleció la mañana del últimoContinue Reading
Officially founded in 1945, the United Nations has six principal organs, including the General Assembly which established the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in 2012. The HLPF meetsContinue Reading
Glaring Inequalities Pope Francis wrote a letter to David Cameron, the former UK Prime Minister, during the G8 Meeting held on 17-18 June 2013. In the letter, the Holy FatherContinue Reading
As you may know, Pope Francis recently visted Mexico; and while he was there he had the opportunity to give a strong message to the mexican youth, in Morelia, MichoacánContinue Reading