L’évolution des jeux vidéo et ses impacts sur les jeunes
By: Yohan Rakotoarison De nos jours, les jeux vidéo font partie de l’univers des enfants et souvent dès leur plus jeune âge. Les enfants ont accès à ces jeux surContinue Reading
By: Yohan Rakotoarison De nos jours, les jeux vidéo font partie de l’univers des enfants et souvent dès leur plus jeune âge. Les enfants ont accès à ces jeux surContinue Reading
By : Carine RAKOTOARISON Depuis que l’ère numérique a pris de l’ampleur dans notre époque, il est plus facile pour tout le monde de se connecter à Internet et d’accéderContinue Reading
By: Narindra Raelison According to the United Nations, there are 1.2 billion young people between the ages of 15 and 24 in the world today, which represents 16% of theContinue Reading
From the 5th to the 9th of September 2022, delegates from around the world convened at the Sapienza University in Rome, Italy for the International Summit on the Assumpta ScienceContinue Reading
TRAIN A CHILD IN THE WAY THEY SHOULD GO: PART II Dear Parents……when good people go silent, bad people are louder. Dear Parents, You are the molders ofContinue Reading
Screams, houses on fire, pure terror, pain. These are the words that come to mind when I think about the violence that erupted in Kenya following the 2007 disputed presidentialContinue Reading
The last weekend of June 2022 was profound for me. I attended a charity football match to support youth leadership. Kenya’s general elections are due in August 2022 and moreContinue Reading
Kenya’s general elections are due on August 9th, 2022. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), the constitutional body in charge of Kenya’s electoral process, is on record lamenting youthContinue Reading
If you examine a U.S. dollar bill, you will discover the Latin phrase “Novus Ordo Seclorum.” This expression translates to “New Order for the Ages.” Historically, America did institute aContinue Reading
The Pro Life movements in Germany and Austria are growing. Besides the popular Marches For Life in Berlin and Vienna there are vibrant youth organizations, which organize Pro Life rallies,Continue Reading