What is the true value of freedom in modern society? Freedom is an abstract concept, often difficult to quantify. Frequently, the word freedom turns up in most conversations as well as in the media. The topic is the only concept that changes. Today, the concept is freedom of the church, tomorrow euthanasia, and yesterday abortion. Sometimes, these concepts repeat themselves. In this essay, I explore the meaning and value of freedom in modern society.
Definition of freedom and its implications
Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The problem with this definition is it does not take into account the restrictions and limitations in our lives.
Freedom remains a central part of the American identity since its founding. The belief, all people are born with certain rights and freedoms ingrained into every aspect of American life. Yet today, many people question whether or not this belief is still valid. Freedom is associated with rights and liberties. It’s easy to see why we would want these things: they allow us more control over our lives, which can lead to happiness.
The true value of freedom is not about what you can do but about who you are. When free, you don’t feel obliged to do anything. You can follow personal interests and passions without being answerable to anyone. Freedom allows us the opportunity to achieve true self awareness; something impossible to quantify or take away from us.
Freedom concepts in modern society
Freedom is precious to people. However, some argue difficulty in achieving freedom on the basis of limitations such as disabilities. For example, a disability limits one’s participation in certain activities. Additionally, a person living in an oppressive country, cannot freely say what they want due to possible consequences. Therefore, to assume impossibility in true freedom achievement due to circumstances is to shackle the expansive nature of freedom.
Our freedom cannot and should not be defined by other people’s ideals and concepts. Fear of ostracism pushes people to blindly conform to commonly accepted opinions and concepts. We need to recognize the true value of freedom and understand what it means for us personally before we can know what kind of life we want to lead.
The modern society constantly controls and monitors people. Social media is constantly dictating what we do, how we act, and what we think. This has further nose-dived attainment of the true value of freedom for many people.
A way forward
Nevertheless, there are ways we can attain the value of freedom in modern society. We can start by taking back our right to privacy and getting control over our personal data. We can also use the internet as a tool for self-expression and creativity instead of just a means to consume content passively.
People’s thoughts and desires often imprison them, leading to decisions they may regret later. This hinders their true freedom because they cannot do what they want without worrying about the consequences. To be truly free, people need to learn how to control their impulses and desires, and make decisions leading them towards true freedom.
Further, it is crucial for people to be free from oppression and exploitation. They should be free from any kind of coercion or manipulation thwarting them from making choices for themselves. Strive should be made to access opportunities allowing them to make independent choices about their lives and futures.