El llamado a un hermano
A mi hermano Juan Pablo. Todos tenemos una misión en esta tierra y es de mi agrado decirles que mi hermano la ha encontrado, quiere ofrecer su vida al servicioContinue Reading
A mi hermano Juan Pablo. Todos tenemos una misión en esta tierra y es de mi agrado decirles que mi hermano la ha encontrado, quiere ofrecer su vida al servicioContinue Reading
El día 31 de diciembre, el catolicismo dio el adiós a una de las figuras más importantes de su historia contemporánea. Benedicto XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, falleció la mañana del últimoContinue Reading
From the 5th to the 9th of September 2022, delegates from around the world convened at the Sapienza University in Rome, Italy for the International Summit on the Assumpta ScienceContinue Reading
La candidata y madre de familia de 45 años Giorgia Meloni y su partido “Fratelli d’ Italia”, Hermanos de Italia, han logrado una victoria en las elecciones generales por elContinue Reading
I recently read a book entitled The Vow: The Kim and Krickitt Carpenter Story. It is a beautiful and powerful book based on love and faith. The Vow narrates theContinue Reading
By: Pablo A. Proaño I was caught by the article “What is true love?” by Pamela Godoy, and agreed completely that true love has to beContinue Reading
By Pamela Godoy Nowadays, it is very common to use euphemisms to refer to many controversial realities that are happening. A euphemism is a mild or indirect word orContinue Reading
Throughout history, people have tried to explain what true love is. Many have said that it is a chemical reaction, others say it’s a decision. Some try to explain itContinue Reading
By Pamela Godoy Have you ever wondered why Catholics are asked to be chaste? Doesn’t that go against human nature? Here are a few thoughts on chastity from a personContinue Reading
The pro-life, pro-choice debate today remains one of the most argued topic. As Christians, our beliefs firmly hold, life begins at conception. Preservation of life is sacred and dutiful. Pro-choiceContinue Reading