Alternatives to child punishment
As a child, punishment growing up was harsh. I mean, reprimanding was only a gift one would hope for. No tangible privileges such as phones or i-pads to take forContinue Reading
As a child, punishment growing up was harsh. I mean, reprimanding was only a gift one would hope for. No tangible privileges such as phones or i-pads to take forContinue Reading
En términos de derecho internacional, se habla de crímenes de lesa humanidad cuando un grupo político o un gobierno realiza violaciones a los derechos humanos de una población civil; enContinue Reading
Cuando escuchamos hablar de “brecha de género” en el lenguaje político y cultural, vemos comúnmente que se tiende a justificar este término en la existencia de desigualdades entre hombres yContinue Reading
BY: Candela Belén D’Angelo Como seguramente todos habremos visto en los canales de comunicación, el pasado lunes 03/10 el presidente de Perú, Pedro Castillo, asistió la ceremonia de inauguración delContinue Reading
‘Am I next?’ ‘My body is not a crime scene!’. These are some of the words that adorned the banners and signs held high by protesters in South Africa followingContinue Reading
It is a new dawn for Kenya. On the 8th of August 2022, Kenyans took to the polls to vote for the fifth president of Kenya. Seven days later onContinue Reading
A family is an institution that provides people with a sense of belonging and identity. Cultivating values helps form a family’s bond. Values are our beliefs, cares, and treasure worthContinue Reading
Today the world continues to make great strides in technological advances. Self driven cars, medical robots ,digital learning, the list in itself is endless. There is no doubt about it.Continue Reading
Screams, houses on fire, pure terror, pain. These are the words that come to mind when I think about the violence that erupted in Kenya following the 2007 disputed presidentialContinue Reading
Officially founded in 1945, the United Nations has six principal organs, including the General Assembly which established the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in 2012. The HLPF meetsContinue Reading