In an effort to silence free speech and the promotion of the truth about abortion, Planned Parenthood announced their support of the #NoHateDebate movement for the December 15th GOP Debate. This free-speech silencing campaign has come out of a desire to squash an honest debate about immigration, health-care, and national defense. Ever since the shooting at the Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, Planned Parenthood and its allies have been blaming this horific event on “hateful rhetoric” instead of the people themselves who are to blame.
The NoHateDebate campaign claims that peacefully speaking the truth about abortion and revealing the truth about Planned Parenthood is “Divisive Rhetoric that sows the seeds of more violence to come” and in the words of Dawn Laguens, the vice president of Planned Parenthood, “Violent rhetoric can lead to violent actions.”
While this is an effective way to silence an open discussion about abortion, it shamlessly disregards the need for authentic conversation that can only happen without the fear of being politically corect. After the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, Planned Parenthood execs blamed the act of violence on leaders like Carly Fiorina. By doing this, Planned Parenthood is calling pro-life activism hate-speech, a specious assumption upon which they rely to avoid engaging in an honest conversation about women’s health.
While the motivations of a no-hate debate are seemingly altruistic, it is necessary to analyze the catalysts behind it. Open debate about abortion, immigration, and effective actions to ensure national security, among other topics is not hate speech; there is no such thing as a right to not be offended. When tragic events like San Bernadino and Colorado Springs happen, we need to sympathize with the victims and condemn those who conduct them; attacking free speech and encouraging political correctness are not appropriate responses to crime. While Planned Parenthood would prefer to silence the truth about abortion by calling it “hate,” we are aware of their agenda.