Is the Pope political?
Pope Francis. It seems everyone has an opinion about him. Both sides of the political spectrum claim him. He has shown concern for the environment and exhorted countries to welcomeContinue Reading
Pope Francis. It seems everyone has an opinion about him. Both sides of the political spectrum claim him. He has shown concern for the environment and exhorted countries to welcomeContinue Reading
It sounds like something one would read in a history book. Hundreds of thousands of people fleeing their home countries as refugees from war and persecution seeking safety and freedomContinue Reading
The horrifying Planned Parenthood scandal regarding the possible sale of aborted baby parts continues with the release last week of another deeply disturbing video from the Center for Medical Progress. Continue Reading
Planned Parenthood, the United States’ largest abortion provider, has recently found itself in the center of controversy as a series of four under-cover videos released by The Center for MedicalContinue Reading
A desire for control is evident in everyone’s lives, in matters big and small. It is only natural to want to control situations, outcomes, even other people, because having somethingContinue Reading
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement in response to the Supreme Court’s recent 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges legalizing same-sex marriage. It reads, in part:Continue Reading
Here in America, we recently celebrated Memorial Day. It is a day intended for reflection and for gratitude to and for those men and women who courageously sacrificed their livesContinue Reading