New Jersey Could Become More Anti-Life
New Jersey may be on the verge of joining New York, Illinois, Virginia, and other states that have been passing legislations in recent months expanding abortion, even to the pointContinue Reading
New Jersey may be on the verge of joining New York, Illinois, Virginia, and other states that have been passing legislations in recent months expanding abortion, even to the pointContinue Reading
Today was the last day of the Conference on the Status of Women here at the UN. And looking back, I think a lot of great discussion was had. PeopleContinue Reading
Iceland has almost entirely eliminated down syndrome from their population. Is this the work of rapidly advancing medicine finding new ways to treat people with down syndrome? Or perhaps itContinue Reading
So far at the UN, I have had the privilege of meeting several important people. And one of these people was Tiffany Espensen. Tiffany is a humanitarian activist and actressContinue Reading
I met a lot of powerful people today. I met actors, ambassadors, diplomats and authors. Many of the people who come together to try and change the world for theContinue Reading
My first day at CSW, I went to an event called “Empowering Girls and Women Facing Violence in Family Settings”. It focused on domestic abuse. The way it works atContinue Reading
The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol of a snake eating its own tail. And as I sat through several sessions and side events at the UN today for CSW, theContinue Reading
“Invest 5000 today save 500,000 (dowry) later.” So read an advertisement outside abortion center in Punjab, India. How can we empower girls and women in rural areas if first ofContinue Reading
Overall, my experience attending the Commission on the Status of Women 61 was a positive one, despite the UN’s liberal agenda. If not for C-Fam, the issue of life wouldContinue Reading
One of my favorite panels when I attended the Commission on the Status of Women was the panel titled: Does Full Decriminalization of the Sex Trade Lead to Women’s Empowerment?Continue Reading