How Wonderful Life Is!
Headlines can be sobering. They can point out the dark realities of the world. Thankfully, they are not the whole story. Beautiful events happen everyday that manifest the goodness foundContinue Reading
Headlines can be sobering. They can point out the dark realities of the world. Thankfully, they are not the whole story. Beautiful events happen everyday that manifest the goodness foundContinue Reading
¿Qué sucede cuando cientos de jóvenes se ponen se pie para decirle que sí a la vida? ¿Cómo explicar con palabras ese momento de fulgor? Eso fue lo que ocurrió unContinue Reading
Es una mentira que los varones no sabemos contemplar la belleza de una mujer, como así también, es una mentira que no sabemos apreciar la ternura que las hace únicas. Sinceramente,Continue Reading
All one has to do is turn on the television or go to the movies, and one is immediately bombarded with the culture of death. Entertainment is one of theContinue Reading
En mi país, Colombia, en las últimas semanas se ha reabierto el debate de la posibilidad de que parejas del mismo sexo puedan adoptar a menores de edad. Éste, comoContinue Reading
Since the legalizing of abortion, an estimated 57,762,169 babies never got a chance to take their first breathe or see the clear blue sky. They never got a chance toContinue Reading
Last week a story appeared about a young woman who chose to forgo chemotherapy rather than risk killing the baby that was growing inside her. Diagnosed with bone cancer whenContinue Reading