God is always the answer. Former gay porn actor Joseph Sciambra learned that the hard way. His downward journey began at the young age of eight when he discovered a porn magazine left out by his older brother. This led to other more graphic porn magazines and eventually led Joseph into wanting to try the things he saw. When those acts became boring he turned to homosexual sex and became an escort. This eventually led into explicit acts of BDSM or sexual torture and it was during one of his experiences that lead Joseph into giving himself to the devil. Joseph says that he was seeking a life of pleasure and happiness. However, what he found was an empty life and hatred. Hate for himself as well as those around him. During one of his sexual encounters he was severely injured and taken to the hospital. It was here that his Catholic mother prayed over him. As Joseph lay there dying, he had a vision of entering Hell and it was at that moment that he decided that he did not want to die. He prayed and begged for God’s forgiveness. God granted him a second chance. Joseph recalls that he could feel the life enter back into his body.

Now, 13 years later, Joseph has devoted himself to God. The love, acceptance and peace he sought for so long in his previous life he has now found through the love of God. He still struggles with his attraction towards men but he knows that this is his cross to bear from God. He finds joy bearing this cross for God and offers his sufferings up for his gay friends in order to save them. Joseph goes on to explain that over the course of the past several years, many gay men have come up to him telling him of their unhappiness. Joseph will tell them that happiness in the gay lifestyle is momentary and delusional, but God’s love is satisfying and enduring. Joseph’s inspirational story shows us that God forgives all no matter the sin. It also shows us that the world is full of empty promises. The homosexual lifestyle is not one of happiness and fulfillment but rather one of emptiness. It is not only wrong but can lead to more serious temptations, like in Joseph’s case. The only true way to be happy is God’s way. God’s love is enough and can fill your every need and desire. To find out more about Joseph and to read his interview click on this link https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/gay-porn-actor-left-it-all-for-jesus-after-near-death-experience