L’évolution des jeux vidéo et ses impacts sur les jeunes
By: Yohan Rakotoarison De nos jours, les jeux vidéo font partie de l’univers des enfants et souvent dès leur plus jeune âge. Les enfants ont accès à ces jeux surContinue Reading
By: Yohan Rakotoarison De nos jours, les jeux vidéo font partie de l’univers des enfants et souvent dès leur plus jeune âge. Les enfants ont accès à ces jeux surContinue Reading
By: Yohan Rakotoarison L’enfant est le symbole de la vitalité et parfois de l’innocence du rêveur. Les enfants sont des personnes rêveurs, ils ont d’innombrables désirs, rêves qu’ils veulent accomplir.Continue Reading
Recent transgender policy guidance from Governor Phil Murphy in New Jersey takes an unconstitutional approach to dealing with students who are seeking to change their gender. The direction prevents teachersContinue Reading
The Malagasy people are facing extreme poverty, leading to a widespread issue of food insecurity. This dire situation has resulted in a prevalence of undernutrition and malnutrition, especially among children.Continue Reading
El pasado 4 de julio se estrenó en salas de cine la película “Sound of Freedom”, una película que se basa en hechos reales y muestra la voluntad heroica deContinue Reading
In the streets we pass through, There’s a young girl, Dirty, beaten up, in pain, hungry, A young girl who has lost, Her family, Her friends, Her dignity, Her confidence,Continue Reading
Durante la Semana Santa de este año (2023), tuve la oportunidad de visitar un hermoso lugar llamado Casa Esther. Una casa hogar que trabaja con madres gestantes que tienen embarazosContinue Reading
Why do parents and children struggle to have good relationships nowadays? Unfortunately, it has become a widespread issue. This article aims to shed light on the reasons behind this problemContinue Reading
From the mind of a girl who is trying to find herself in life….. I am at a crossroads, This should be easy, I should have figured this out byContinue Reading
As a child, punishment growing up was harsh. I mean, reprimanding was only a gift one would hope for. No tangible privileges such as phones or i-pads to take forContinue Reading