“Globalization and the project of a Borderless human”
With the fall of the Eastern Europe Block (or Communist Block) in 1991 -due to the end of the Cold War-, and the mass expansion of Internet and Social MediaContinue Reading
With the fall of the Eastern Europe Block (or Communist Block) in 1991 -due to the end of the Cold War-, and the mass expansion of Internet and Social MediaContinue Reading
El pasado 10 de diciembre se celebró el día internacional de los derechos humanos. En esta fecha en 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas dio pie a laContinue Reading
The Commission on the Status of Women has been indefinitely postponed in the rapid outbreak of the coronavirus. The conference was supposed to take place this week and was toContinue Reading
When governments garner controversy for their spending programs, their supporters tend to defend them as gentle and generous guardians of the marginalized populations under their jurisdiction. In the eyes ofContinue Reading
Spanish NGO “HazteOir” dared to say out loud that boys are boys and girls are girls with an orange bus printed with such surly message. Even if this message mayContinue Reading
This past November, hundreds from all over North, Central, and South America made a bold statement of their support for life at the Pro-Life World Congress in Guatemala City, Guatemala.Continue Reading
Esta semana ha sacudido a Latinoamérica la situación de Colombia. Después de suscritos los Acuerdos de la Habana con las FARC, en el plebiscito convocado por el gobierno se haContinue Reading
El concepto “realpolitik” refiere una visión de la política partiendo del “realismo” de sus circunstancias y fines (en contraposición del idealismo). Sin embargo, podríamos decir que este concepto, además, conlleva la preocupaciónContinue Reading