Never be afraid of…believing in your call!
How do I find my vocation in life? Have you always found yourself asking: Am I good at this or that? Is this what I am called to do?Continue Reading
How do I find my vocation in life? Have you always found yourself asking: Am I good at this or that? Is this what I am called to do?Continue Reading
Are you a shy person? Are you always worried about how to handle opponents? Do you blame yourself after a conversation because you were not able to express your opinion? Yes?Continue Reading
El Papa Francisco, durante su visita a México en febrero de 2016, se dirigió a los jóvenes con estas palabras: “ustedes son la riqueza de este país, son la esperanzaContinue Reading
On the 27th of June, the European Court of Human Rights endorsed the UK courts decision in the Charlie Gard case. This judgment allowed UK doctors to withdrawContinue Reading
La juventud se hizo presente en la 47 Asamblea General de la Organización de Estados Americanos, en Cancún, Quintana Roo del 19 al 21 de junio de 2017, en lasContinue Reading
All social networks are full with groups and web sites with “light” content. PlayGround, VICE News and BuzzFeed are only a few examples of the great opinion leaders of ourContinue Reading
Quiero compartirte un mensaje: ¡Estás hecho para habitar entre las estrellas! Así es, tu corazón anhela un amor trascendente, infinito, que verdaderamente lo colme. Si en el silencio de laContinue Reading
Coming up the first days of May (6th,7th and 8th), the II Panamerican Youth Forum, is an event to take interest in. The first edition took place in the CityContinue Reading
El 1, 2 y 3 de mayo del 2015 se realizó en Buenos Aires, Argentina el primer Foro Joven Panamericano organizado por Frente Joven con la colaboración de World YouthContinue Reading
El pasado 8 de noviembre asistí en la ciudad de México a la Latin America Emerging Leaders Conference de la World Youth Alliance, la cual se titulaba “Familia: La ColumnaContinue Reading